
Quantum practices a strict separation of powers between the non-profit organization set up to support the journal, and the editorial process and handling of submissions in the journal itself.

The internal structure of Quantum consists of the steering and executive boards (which belong to the NGO), and the coordinating and regular editors (who serve on the editorial board of the journal).

All of the above are full-time researchers who volunteer their time for Quantum. In addition, Quantum has hired management assistants to help with the running of the journal. Last but not least, Quantum is always open to feedback and contributions from the wider quantum research community.

Diagram showing the structure of the NGO and the journal, as described in the main text.

Steering Board

The members of the Steering Board provide long-term guidance for the journal, select editors, and hold the ultimate power of decision for all important aspects of the journal. Being honorary members of the non-profit organization backing Quantum, they hold the majority of voting rights. Consists of high-profile senior researchers, serving at least three-year terms.

Currently Quantum has 35 Steering Board members:

Editorial Board

There are 102 researchers currently serving on the Editorial Board of Quantum.

Coordinating editors:

  • Carlo Beenakker, Leiden University and Instituut-Lorentz, Netherlands (since 2016)
  • Eric Cavalcanti, Griffith University, Australia (since 2016)
  • Sevag Gharibian, University of Paderborn, Germany (since 2016)
  • Ujjwal Sen, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India (since 2016)
  • Ronald de Wolf, QuSoft, CWI, and University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (since 2018)


Former Editors:

Quantum ran an open call for editors in September 2016, with over 130 applications, from which the steering board selected Quantum’s forty founding editors.  In addition, Quantum has a list of Reserve Editors, who are activated when an active editor retires or the workload in a subfield becomes too high. The first renewal and expansion of the editorial board took place in Autumn 2018, under consultation of the steering board. The second renewal occurred in Spring 2020, with another open call. In 2021 Quantum experienced a large increase in submissions, and reached out directly to a batch of new editors under suggestion from the Editorial and Steering boards.

Executive Board

The members of the Executive Board manage logistics, funding, administrative aspects, publicity, and hold positions in the presidency of the non-profit organization backing Quantum.

  • Christian Gogolin, Covestro Deutschland AG, Germany (Secretary)
  • Marcus Huber, IQOQI – Institute for Quantumoptics und Quantuminformation, Austria (Cashier)
  • Lídia del Rio, University of Zurich, Switzerland (President)

Management Assistants

These are the only paid staff at Quantum, hired in December 2017 and April 2020, respectively, to assist the executive board in running the journal.

  • Eva Jelinek
  • Lukas Schalleck

Further Contributors

  • Paul Erker (initial advice, infrastructure)
  • Chris Ferrie (Quantum Leaps)
  • Nicolai Friis (deputy president, quality control and copy-editing for Quantum Views since October 2020)
  • Manuela Gogolin (design, proofreading)
  • Simon Gogolin (design)
  • Cassandra Granade (LaTeX template, code of conduct)
  • Sarah Kaiser (code of conduct)
  • Johannes Meyer (LaTeX template)
  • Mariana Munárriz (accounting, secretariat, 2016-2021)
  • Julia Riederer (design)
  • James Wootton (reddit, /u/quantum_jim)
  • Martin Schwarz (controlling)
  • Lukas Edengruber (controlling)
  • Damian Draxler (controlling)

Whisperer: Matthew F. Pusey